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If you are interested in us & would like to know more about our company principles as well as how our products are made step-by-step, below are some of the interview videos where you can get to know more about the skin with the consultants from Dr. Tausend & Dr. Dieu Thao K. Nguyen.

Interview with Dr. Robert Tausend

This 10-minute-interview of Dr. Tausend (one of the leading dermatologists in the area) talks about the principles when studying & developing DT Collagen’s products, lots of informative knowledge about the skin & some tips of how to maintain clear skin.

Interview with Dr. Dieu Thao K. Nguyen

This 10-minute-video of Dr. Dieu Thao Khoa Nguyen (Founder of DT Collagen) interviewed by VINASHOPTV explains more about how each product works, how to choose your most suitable products and more information about our skin.

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